Summary tables and statistics

This is a continuation of the tutorial on data manipulation, with many examples of different summary tables and statistics. It’s largely using the janitor, summarytools and psych packages which have loads of great functions for quickly examining your data and I highly recommend them!

First of all we need to load up the packages we want to use today

library(readr)   ## for reading in data
library(dplyr)   ## for data manipulation
library(janitor) ## for data cleaning tools
library(psych)   ## for some useful data exploration graphs
library(summarytools) ## for some summary statistics and tables

We’re using the same data as the data manipulation tutorial to show a variety of different summary statistics and tables

CS <- read_csv("CS_fake.csv")
CS <- clean_names(CS)
## # A tibble: 1,000 x 7
##    plot_id   country county   carbon_percent nitrogen_percent    ph habitat
##    <chr>     <chr>   <chr>             <dbl>            <dbl> <dbl>   <dbl>
##  1 GCEXWQRY~ VAL     ERROLD             70.2             7.70  2.85       8
##  2 JZCMAHEP~ RET     BOLTHAV~           14.5             1.53  6.04       7
##  3 DTVGQBSJ~ VAL     TREVALE            28.6             5.93  5.00       4
##  4 REJAJMVE~ HAR     GREENVA~           24.0             1.64  5.43       2
##  5 FMWEYMKI~ VAL     EVENDIM            14.9             2.84  6.85       8
##  6 KYULXCMW~ VAL     EVENDIM            57.8             6.89  3.17       6
##  7 CPKKYGMV~ RET     PETRAS             33.3             4.53  4.55       7
##  8 TAYSUFTD~ RET     PETRAS             56.0             8.01  3.05       5
##  9 EAYSCYXE~ VAL     ERROLD             12.3             5.18  5.97       6
## 10 NZONLIZV~ VAL     EVENDIM            74.5            10.0   2.54       9
## # ... with 990 more rows

Summary tables and statistics

There’s a lot of different functions in R for summarising dataframes, so we’re going to go through a few useful ones

The summarytools package has a few useful functions, such as the summary table produced below:

print(dfSummary(CS[,2:6], style = 'grid', graph.magnif = 0.85), method = "render", omit.headings = TRUE)
No Variable Stats / Values Freqs (% of Valid) Graph Valid Missing
1 country [character] 1. HAR 2. RET 3. VAL
1000 (100%) 0 (0%)
1000 (100%) 0 (0%)
3 carbon_percent [numeric] Mean (sd) : 34.9 (16.4) min < med < max: 4.4 < 31.3 < 105.2 IQR (CV) : 20.3 (0.5) 998 distinct values 999 (99.9%) 1 (0.1%)
4 nitrogen_percent [numeric] Mean (sd) : 4.8 (2) min < med < max: 0 < 4.6 < 12.7 IQR (CV) : 2.7 (0.4) 992 distinct values 996 (99.6%) 4 (0.4%)
5 ph [numeric] Mean (sd) : 4.5 (1) min < med < max: 1.5 < 4.5 < 7.5 IQR (CV) : 1.3 (0.2) 998 distinct values 999 (99.9%) 1 (0.1%)

Generated by summarytools 0.9.3 (R version 3.6.0)

Frequency tables and cross-tabulating factors

Both janitor and summarytools offer functions for frequency tables and cross-tabulating factors.

freq(CS$habitat, style = "rmarkdown", omit.headings = TRUE) ##summarytools
  Freq % Valid % Valid Cum. % Total % Total Cum.
1 95 9.50 9.50 9.50 9.50
2 107 10.70 20.20 10.70 20.20
3 95 9.50 29.70 9.50 29.70
4 109 10.90 40.60 10.90 40.60
5 106 10.60 51.20 10.60 51.20
6 99 9.90 61.10 9.90 61.10
7 106 10.60 71.70 10.60 71.70
8 99 9.90 81.60 9.90 81.60
9 105 10.50 92.10 10.50 92.10
10 79 7.90 100.00 7.90 100.00
<NA> 0 0.00 100.00
Total 1000 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
print(ctable(CS$country, CS$county, prop = "n"), method = "render", omit.headings = TRUE) ##summarytools
HAR 113 0 0 0 91 0 0 204
RET 0 165 0 0 0 146 0 311
VAL 0 0 156 185 0 0 144 485
Total 113 165 156 185 91 146 144 1000

Generated by summarytools 0.9.3 (R version 3.6.0)

For me janitor is a little more intuitive, and is also built to be compatible with the pipe operator

tabyl(CS, habitat)
##  habitat   n percent
##        1  95   0.095
##        2 107   0.107
##        3  95   0.095
##        4 109   0.109
##        5 106   0.106
##        6  99   0.099
##        7 106   0.106
##        8  99   0.099
##        9 105   0.105
##       10  79   0.079
tabyl(CS, country, county) 
##      HAR       113         0      0       0        91      0       0
##      RET         0       165      0       0         0    146       0
##      VAL         0         0    156     185         0      0     144
tabyl(CS, country, habitat, county)
##  country  1  2 3  4  5 6  7  8  9 10
##      HAR 10 14 9 12 10 9 12 13 17  7
##      RET  0  0 0  0  0 0  0  0  0  0
##      VAL  0  0 0  0  0 0  0  0  0  0
##  country  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10
##      HAR  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
##      RET 17 16 19 16 20 13 20 15 14 15
##      VAL  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
##  country  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10
##      HAR  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
##      RET  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
##      VAL 16 16 12 18 17 17 15 20 15 10
##  country  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10
##      HAR  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
##      RET  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
##      VAL 16 16 22 20 24 11 15 20 22 19
##  country  1  2  3 4 5  6 7 8 9 10
##      HAR 11 14 16 6 4 16 8 4 6  6
##      RET  0  0  0 0 0  0 0 0 0  0
##      VAL  0  0  0 0 0  0 0 0 0  0
##  country  1  2 3  4  5  6  7 8  9 10
##      HAR  0  0 0  0  0  0  0 0  0  0
##      RET 12 15 9 17 18 12 21 7 18 17
##      VAL  0  0 0  0  0  0  0 0  0  0
##  country  1  2 3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10
##      HAR  0  0 0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
##      RET  0  0 0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
##      VAL 13 16 8 20 13 21 15 20 13  5

Summary statistics by groups

dataframes can be described by a categorical variable within both summarytools and psych. The describeBy function in psych is simple to write but only likes numeric variables. I also don’t know of any way to pick and choose which stats are reported.

describeBy(CS, "country")
##  Descriptive statistics by group 
## country: HAR
##                  vars   n  mean    sd median trimmed   mad  min   max
## plot_id*            1 204   NaN    NA     NA     NaN    NA  Inf  -Inf
## country*            2 204   NaN    NA     NA     NaN    NA  Inf  -Inf
## county*             3 204   NaN    NA     NA     NaN    NA  Inf  -Inf
## carbon_percent      4 203 34.28 16.07  31.09   32.43 14.31 8.97 98.90
## nitrogen_percent    5 202  3.49  1.93   3.26    3.34  1.82 0.02 10.33
## ph                  6 204  4.52  0.99   4.56    4.52  0.91 1.63  6.98
## habitat             7 204  5.18  2.85   5.00    5.15  3.71 1.00 10.00
##                  range  skew kurtosis   se
## plot_id*          -Inf    NA       NA   NA
## country*          -Inf    NA       NA   NA
## county*           -Inf    NA       NA   NA
## carbon_percent   89.93  1.29     2.19 1.13
## nitrogen_percent 10.31  0.80     0.83 0.14
## ph                5.35 -0.09     0.19 0.07
## habitat           9.00  0.11    -1.29 0.20
## -------------------------------------------------------- 
## country: RET
##                  vars   n  mean    sd median trimmed   mad  min   max
## plot_id*            1 311   NaN    NA     NA     NaN    NA  Inf  -Inf
## country*            2 311   NaN    NA     NA     NaN    NA  Inf  -Inf
## county*             3 311   NaN    NA     NA     NaN    NA  Inf  -Inf
## carbon_percent      4 311 35.36 16.73  32.57   33.59 15.08 7.23 95.20
## nitrogen_percent    5 310  4.55  1.93   4.28    4.45  1.83 0.02 10.62
## ph                  6 311  4.46  1.02   4.49    4.47  1.03 1.72  7.53
## habitat             7 311  5.52  2.84   5.00    5.52  2.97 1.00 10.00
##                  range  skew kurtosis   se
## plot_id*          -Inf    NA       NA   NA
## country*          -Inf    NA       NA   NA
## county*           -Inf    NA       NA   NA
## carbon_percent   87.97  1.03     1.09 0.95
## nitrogen_percent 10.60  0.50     0.17 0.11
## ph                5.81 -0.08    -0.14 0.06
## habitat           9.00  0.01    -1.18 0.16
## -------------------------------------------------------- 
## country: VAL
##                  vars   n  mean    sd median trimmed   mad  min    max
## plot_id*            1 485   NaN    NA     NA     NaN    NA  Inf   -Inf
## country*            2 485   NaN    NA     NA     NaN    NA  Inf   -Inf
## county*             3 485   NaN    NA     NA     NaN    NA  Inf   -Inf
## carbon_percent      4 485 34.80 16.36  31.34   33.14 13.93 4.42 105.24
## nitrogen_percent    5 484  5.43  1.89   5.26    5.31  1.88 1.07  12.71
## ph                  6 484  4.49  1.00   4.52    4.50  0.98 1.53   7.29
## habitat             7 485  5.46  2.76   5.00    5.48  2.97 1.00  10.00
##                   range  skew kurtosis   se
## plot_id*           -Inf    NA       NA   NA
## country*           -Inf    NA       NA   NA
## county*            -Inf    NA       NA   NA
## carbon_percent   100.82  1.18     2.02 0.74
## nitrogen_percent  11.64  0.72     0.87 0.09
## ph                 5.76 -0.11     0.09 0.05
## habitat            9.00 -0.02    -1.18 0.13

summarytools’ version is longer to write but appears to be more flexible. I’ve set some parameters here to make it print better on this document - you may want to remove the style and method arguments to make it look nicer when working from the console.

## summarytools's version is longer to write but more flexible
# First save the results
CS_stats_by_country <- by(data = CS, 
                          INDICES = CS$country, 
                          FUN = descr, stats = c("mean", "sd", "min", "med", "max"), 
                          transpose = TRUE, style = "rmarkdown", omit.headings = TRUE)
# then view
view(CS_stats_by_country, method = "pander")

Group: country = HAR

  Mean Std.Dev Min Median Max
carbon_percent 34.28 16.07 8.97 31.09 98.90
habitat 5.18 2.85 1.00 5.00 10.00
nitrogen_percent 3.49 1.93 0.02 3.26 10.33
ph 4.52 0.99 1.63 4.56 6.98

Group: country = RET

  Mean Std.Dev Min Median Max
carbon_percent 35.36 16.73 7.23 32.57 95.20
habitat 5.52 2.84 1.00 5.00 10.00
nitrogen_percent 4.55 1.93 0.02 4.28 10.62
ph 4.46 1.02 1.72 4.49 7.53

Group: country = VAL

  Mean Std.Dev Min Median Max
carbon_percent 34.80 16.36 4.42 31.34 105.24
habitat 5.46 2.76 1.00 5.00 10.00
nitrogen_percent 5.43 1.89 1.07 5.26 12.71
ph 4.49 1.00 1.53 4.52 7.29

You can do the above using group_by() then summarise() from the dplyr package but as far as I know you’ll have to manually write out which stats you want which can be a hassle:

CS %>% group_by(country) %>%
  summarise(mean_pH = mean(ph, na.rm = TRUE),
            mean_carbon = mean(carbon_percent, na.rm = TRUE))
## # A tibble: 3 x 3
##   country mean_pH mean_carbon
##   <chr>     <dbl>       <dbl>
## 1 HAR        4.52        34.3
## 2 RET        4.46        35.4
## 3 VAL        4.49        34.8

Quick graphs

While summary statistic tables can be very useful they are no substitute for plotting out your data. For an interesting discussion about this (with dinosaurs!) see this page on how different datasets can be with the same summary statistics.

Histograms are great for seeing what kind of distributions your variables have, I often use the multi.hist function from within the psych package to look at my data quickly and easily. Note that this function doesn’t always return the plotting environment to what it was previously so we specify that the plotting parameters should return to one plot per page afterwards



The pairs plot within R, and the extensions upon it from many other package, is a great way to see how the variables from your dataset are related to each other.The pairs.panels function in psych shows the name of each variable and its histogram down the diagonal, the scatterplots on the lower triangle and the correlation coefficient on the upper triangle. You can change the type of correlation coefficient, and various plotting parameters easily.


If you want to take an in depth look at one of the plots and identify certain points then you can plot the scatterplot and use the identify function to interactively select points and get a label for what they are - this doesn’t work in rmarkdown but you can try it yourself.

plot(nitrogen_percent ~ carbon_percent, CS)
identify(CS$carbon_percent, CS$nitrogen_percent, labels=CS$plot_id)

Other useful plots include coplots in base R, which show how the relationship between two variables changes with a third variable

coplot(ph ~ carbon_percent|nitrogen_percent, CS)

That’s all that comes to mind right now. There are so many different ways of manipulating and exploring datasets in R. These are just a few that I have found useful and I hope you do too!